• Categories: Featured, Publishers

    By: Dominique Meara, Senior Account Manager If you’ve never run ads on your site before or you’ve never worked in the ad tech space, you may not be familiar with what an ads.txt file is or how it could make or break your advertising experience. Over the years, I’ve come to learn the importance of [...]

  • By: Sharmin Rahman, Director, Yield Management What is Ad Refresh?  Ad Refresh allows a publisher to reload the ad(s) on a page after a certain period of time, or after some action has been taken. The best practice around time-based refreshed ads is to adhere to all requirements of your demand partners (typically ad networks [...]

  • In this post we will attempt to answer the commonly asked question, "Why did my CPMs suddenly drop?" It’s no secret that seasonality plays a large role in the digital advertising industry and has a direct impact on CPM performance. However, it is important to note that a site’s CPMs can fluctuate due to a [...]

  • In keeping up with trends over the last couple of months, here’s a look at April from Freestar’s side and a few industry resources. Likely not a newsflash to anyone - April was particularly soft in average CPM and spend - but we did see some encouraging signs near the end of the month. From [...]

  • We are following up on our previous post ("We are all in this together") to give an update on how Q1 ended with a deep dive into both the supply and demand sides. We are just a few days into April, so it’s a bit early to tell exactly how the month will end up. [...]

  • We are all in this together. In these unprecedented times, it is hard to go more than an hour without reading an article, having a discussion or watching a story about COVID-19. As we are all aware, this pandemic is causing declines in stock markets and putting the global economy at unparalleled risk. In a [...]