• We are following up on our previous post ("We are all in this together") to give an update on how Q1 ended with a deep dive into both the supply and demand sides. We are just a few days into April, so it’s a bit early to tell exactly how the month will end up. [...]

  • We are all in this together. In these unprecedented times, it is hard to go more than an hour without reading an article, having a discussion or watching a story about COVID-19. As we are all aware, this pandemic is causing declines in stock markets and putting the global economy at unparalleled risk. In a [...]

  • In early February, Facebook announced that it is planning to shut down the mobile web and desktop arm of its Audience Network on April 11th, 2020 (note: support for Instant Articles will remain). To truly understand what this means for the industry, and our publishers, we spoke with Freestar’s Sr. Director of Revenue Operations, Matt [...]

  • The Issue: CPMs Are Down Year Over Year 2019 has unfortunately been a very soft year compared to 2018. Industry-wide, CPMs have been down over 10%, year-over-year, and in some verticals significantly lower than that. We see that in aggregate numbers for the sites that we manage and are hearing the same in many industry [...]

  • Categories: Publishers

    A question that sometimes is discussed is whether first or second price auctions are better for selling ad inventory. A little bit of auction theory is necessary to understand why first price auctions are the best bet for network partners in the header. These results are proven rigorously elsewhere, here we state just what is [...]

  • This post will be a first in a series on how publishers can improve their site's performance. It's no secret a faster loading site equals happier users and a more seamless site experience. Happier users can lead to more page visits, more traffic, and ultimately more revenue. But what can be elusive is getting your site [...]