The past few years have thrown us all into a loop – impacting ad revenue and yield. Here’s the thing – we look at seasonality for our yearly projections. No one could have predicted the pandemic or how it would have such an impact on the entire world even after it ended, much less the [...]
User experience (UX) refers to an end user’s interaction with a brand, its products, and/or its services. For publishers, good user experience means that visitors will read a whole article, enjoy it enough to share or come back for more, and view some ads along the way. Ads must be relevant to a publisher’s audience [...]
The explosive way in which direct-sold inventory switched to programmatic left brands feeling unsure of which vendors were involved and where the ad inventory was sourced from. This uncertainty provided enough cover for shady counterfeit sellers to operate, and enormous losses due to ad fraud began eroding trust within the ecosystem. The IAB Tech Lab [...]
You’ve probably heard about price floors before. Since Google Ad Manager switched to the first-price auction model, there seems to be more conversation about price floor optimization. Price floors and the use of Google’s Unified Pricing Rules have become an important component publishers can use for ad monetization strategy and at Freestar, our dynamic [...]
Email newsletters have been the long reigning champions of brands throughout multiple industries when it comes to encouraging direct connections with customers. While email serves as a great way to distribute content, its powers go beyond entertainment and informing the masses — it’s also an advertising powerhouse. By using email as a direct channel for [...]
Publishers, who rely on the advertising industry to make money, frequently ignore the direct ad sales opportunity. That said, direct deals have a lot of potential to reshape how publishers generate revenue. Publishers can gain more control over their ad space inventory with direct ad sales, make more revenue by increasing CPMs (without additional ads) [...]