Time.is is a website where you can convert time between different time zones and find out what the exact time is right now at millions of locations worldwide.
Time.is is synchronized with the atomic clocks which official timekeeping relies on. The displayed time will generally have a precision of 0.02-0.10 seconds. The accuracy depends on your internet connection and how busy your computer is.
“It’s been really valuable for Time.is to have Freestar as our ad management solution. We can forget about that part of the business and trust that you’re putting our interests first. You’re doing it better than we could ever do it on our own.”
The Brief
Time.is tried different ad management solutions from Google AdSense to BuySellAds. They weren’t proactive in optimizing performance, and their level of customer service was lacking.
Time.is was looking for a better ad management solution that could provide:
- Higher Revenue – Time.is was still reasonably new to monetizing so they were looking to see how much they could monetize their website.
- Publisher Support – They were looking for a responsive team to address any issues and respond to any questions.
The Approach
After meeting with Freestar, Time.is was on-boarded by the next month, and their ad management changed very quickly. They worked closely with our team to update ad unit locations and onboard new demand partners. Throughout our partnership, we’ve implemented various optimization strategies.
In the past quarter, Freestar implemented the following:
- Key Ad Units – Freestar added new ad units like Interstitials and switched ATF side-by-side leaderboard to 3 medium rectangles. We also moved AdSense from link to backfill.
- Video Ad Units – Time.is is now utilizing the video adhesion unit on rotation with a standard sticky footer ad. In addition to the video adhesion, it cohesively uses instream video, which maximizes the overall video CPMs.
- Dynamic Flooring – Time.is’ Customer Success team formulated and implemented our proprietary dynamic flooring algorithm to balance fill rates and CPMs to get the best page RPM.
The Results
Time.is’ monthly RPM tripled when they switched to Freestar. Since 2018, Freestar has helped Time.is to increase revenue by 10X monthly with our optimizations and guidance.
Time.is has seen positive results from our recent optimizations. From switching ATF side-by-side leaderboard to 3 medium rectangles, Time.is experienced a 21% page RPM lift. We’re achieving 22% more daily revenue by moving from AdSense linked to the demand stack to AdSense as backfill. Adding the video adhesion results has resulted in a 30% revenue lift and a 10% overall page RPM lift. By enabling our dynamic flooring, Time.is’ page RPM increased by 19%. Their YOY revenue has increased by 69%, and they’re only continuing to improve!